Put your sunglasses on, and let’s get ready to look into that Hollywood glare, and see just how all the media to-do about starlets affects you, your body image and goals you set for yourself. We can all imagine those glamorama lives, waking up when your hair stylist and make up artist arrive to "work on" you, and tell you how amazing you are; your dietitian feeds you the perfect combination of energy and ego boost; your personal trainer shares fitness and encouragement; you’re stylist finds the perfect outfit; the masseuse kneads knots; manicurist fixes nails; brow master shapes the ultra brow; wax artist scours both bikini lines and upper lips, and there’s still time for that routine facial before designers arrive with fabulous dresses and jewelry that spotlight their work . How bad could a day be with all of that????????.
If all that doesn’t work, then the plastic surgeon can nip, tuck or suck out whatever’s not working. Waist too big, take out a rib bone, breast too small, add a few saline sizes, gravity pulling things down, get lifted. There’s collagen for bigger lips, lasers for fresher skin, botox or fillers for line freedom. Still not perfect? Make sure only the best photo angles are used, and get out those air brushes. Hollywood packages only ideals.
Who wouldn't look so much better with all that attention to grooming and ego? Can you imagine going to school or work after your hair, make up, and outfit have been styled by professionals, all the time sucking up; paid to make you feel good? How ‘bout only being seen airbrushed, at our most perfect angle, after a staff of 10 have worked their magic??? Sweeeeeet, isn’t it?????. How can we compete with that?
Don't we all want to be dreamy looking, eyed by the hottest boys and men, envied by the A-list girls and women, even ‘tho we’ve all been told that beauty comes from the inside, and being a good person is what’s really important. Honestly, if we had a choice between being stunningly beautiful or honored as a saint, which would we choose? ?????? And it doesn't matter how old we are!!!!!!!!.
How we look affects how we feel; how we look compared to others is key. Ever know any female who can really focus when she's having a bad hair day? Let’s face it, no one cares about inner beauty if there’s a huge pimple growing on their chin!!!!!!!!.
* Whey word for today: We all care about our looks, and want to look better. Sooooo – let’s set some goals for our personal best. We're gonna stop comparing ourselves to everyone else, and work it with what we've got, until we get that glow. .... a radiant style that's all our own.!!!!!!!
They'll be exercise, diet, healthy living and styling tips every day. So set some goals - make them reasonable - and let's go after it. If I'm not talking about something and you want to know about it - just ask. If you know something and want to share it - please do.

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i like the blog so far...maybe you could add more exercise tips tho..i'm always looking for new ways to workout (it can get sooo boring!!!).
i like dieting tips the best
id like to learn about how i can stop snacking so much. i'm always craving sweets.
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