Friday, December 28, 2007

Keeping the Weight Off

There is nothing more discouraging to someone on a weight-loss plan than the oft-cited statistic that 95 percent of people who lose weight will regain it within a few years. The difficulty in sticking with a long-term weight-maintenance plan is one of the main reasons that weight-loss programs fail. In an effort to uncover clues to successful weight loss, researchers have been collecting information on people who have lost weight and successfully kept it off for many years. This project, known as the National Weight Control Registry (NWCR), records what these people did to achieve their goals. Currently, the NWCR is tracking more than 5,000 people, who receive detailed questionnaires and annual follow-up surveys to examine their behavioral and psychological characteristics, as well as the strategies they use to keep weight off. Note, however, that these people are self-selected (that is, they chose to participate) and therefore represent only successful "losers," not the entire population of people who have tried to lose weight. There is no evidence that the techniques and approaches these people use are the key to success, because many other people have used similar approaches without success. Nonetheless, their stories may prove helpful or inspirational for some people.

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